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Working Equitation East

Prize List and Entry form links for the Frying Pan Farm Park show in April are now posted on our Events page!
Welcome to WE East!
WE East is a group of "seasoned" Working Equitation riders, show organizers, and volunteers here to help coordinate WE events in the eastern regions of USAWE and serve as a resource for people and Affiliate Organizations new to the sport. And in the process, offer a few WE East shows of our own.

Hurricane Helene Relief
As most of you know, hurricane Helene devastated the north-western part of NC just a few days before the Eastern Championship show.
As part of WE East's commitment to serve our local communities, the show committee decided to take $2200 of our show earning and donate it to those affected by this disaster. We were able to buy 22 $100 gift cards that were handed out to families in need.

Working Equitation East is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.

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