Working Equitation East

Jul 15, 2024
Heatwave! Breyers! Shows!
WEE Members!
Well into the beginning of the Summer, hope everyone is finding a way to beat the heat.. They are so many fantastic events happening across our three regions! Everyone is keeping so busy, which is amazing to see, make sure you also stay cool and keep an eye on that thermometer. Please remember, reach out to WEEMemberOutreach@gmail.com if you have any comments, concerns, or questions. We welcome your input to the WEE newsletter!!
Region 5 has had a busy summer! Shows and clinic across the region - feels like every weekend - just trying to manage in this heat! Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan! Can’t wait to see everyone’s progress across the season. All the competitors and volunteers have been incredible, shining examples of sportsmanship and teamwork. Keep up the enthusiasm and hard work.
Photo Credit of Region 5 and Sunshine Ranch.

WEE just had a (very hot) very successful event in New Jersey! Two one-day events ran back to back with Rebecca Algar as the judge. Riders from L1 up to L5, we saw some great rides and great examples to teamwork! DREAM Park went out of their way to help WEE host the event on an overly hot weekend. The call was made for everyone’s (and the cows’) safety to cancel the cow clinic, however there were several private lessons with Rebecca on Sunday. Overall, a huge success and positive experience for everyone involved! Looking forward to another event in August with Polly Limond.
The first licensed competition of the 2024 season in Region 7 was the Three Bulls Classic in Bulls Gap, TN, May 17-19. The Funaro and Blackstone families always are so welcoming. USAWE Senior Judge Polly Limond officiated as twenty-five teams competed, representing twelve levels/divisions (Levels 1-5). Three Bulls Farm also hosted a Cattle trial on Sunday afternoon, with Betty Jumper (NC) and her mare, DBS Golden Breeze, being the only team to successfully pen a calf. That was followed by Working Equitation of North Carolina (WENC) hosting a two-day show at FENCE (Foothills Equestrian Nature Center) in Tryon, NC. Thirty-one teams competed in fourteen levels-divisions (Levels 1-5, 7) under the scrutiny of USAWE Senior Judge Rebecca Algar. Everyone in attendance was enchanted to watch USAWE Professional Instructor, Jody Fontanetta (TN), debut her Level 7/Masters freestyle dressage performance (https://youtu.be/YVsLWr0w898?si=v1WURGchsDwhwKMd).
We also will be having members of WEE demoing at the USPC Festival as well as a booth!! The Demo at Breyerfest was a HUGE success. This is a HUGE opportunity for USAWE. If you have the time and ability, volunteer at the link below. Donations accepted as well to help cover the travel expenses for the demo riders! Looking forward to seeing the outcome of these events, with more than a combined total of 40k people attending across the two weeks!!

Upcoming Competitions
20 July - NYSWE Show #1 - Region 6
21 July - NYSWE Show #2 - Region 6
27 July - Blue Hills Equestrian PC - Region 5
10 August - South of the River Equestrian - Region 5
11 August - South of the River Equestrian - Region 5
17 August - WEE DREAM Park - Region 6
18 August - WEE DREAM Park - Region 6
17 August - Rach Riding Academy #3 - Region 5
24 August - Wild at Heart Ranch WE - Region 7
25 August - Wild at Heart Ranch WE - Region 7
Member Highlight: Lynsey Moritz, Region 6 Competitor and USAWE TD

Photo of Region 6 riders from left to right: Julie Lmberton, Lynsey Moritz always giving a thumbs up, Holly Linz, Cera Olson
How long have you been riding? I have been riding since I was 7/8 years old. So a long time. 30 years! I don’t really remember life before horses.
What level do you ride? Currently I ride L3. Schooling towards L4.
How did you start riding? It’s in my blood! No joke! My grandparents grew up riding (my grandfather used to say there were horse thieves on his side of the family). I asked my parents when I could start riding at like 4 years old and my mom wanted to ride as well so it didn’t take long for her to find a place where we both get lessons. I originally wanted to be a barrel racer when I was little-I thought cowgirls were really cool. My family gave me red cowgirl boots when I was about 4 and that was all she wrote. I have tried all sorts of disciplines-hunters, jumpers, eventing, western pleasure, polo, competitive trail, dressage, and when I landed on WE, I knew I was home. I still love to trail ride and am always up for an adventure.
Tell me about your horse. Rui is an 11 year old Lusitano I have owned since he was 1. He is the sweetest guy and we have a blast doing all sorts of fun things together. Any and all problems are 100% homegrown. He is starting to grow up and be a big boy. I have high hopes for the 2 of us-he has all the potential in the world!
What is your favorite obstacle? I like the side-pass pole because it’s one of the only obstacles I know we can consistently do well. I enjoy the bell corridor with the L back as well. I like how it seems very easy but to get a good back takes a lot of work and it can be rather technical.
What goals do you have in the next few years. I’m hoping to continue moving up the levels in the coming years. This year my goal is to compete with a calm and happy horse; if the scores are there that’s great but I’m not hanging my hat on qualifying. We’re really working hard to have a strong foundation to be successful at the upper levels. My dream of dreams is to make it to Master level.
Facility Highlight: Oak Spring Equestrian
Oak Spring Equestrian, LLC is a private 85-acre farm located in Woodbine, Maryland. Owner: Barb Sullivan, WE Participant
We started working equitation at the farm in 2019 after I saw a friend participating in a clinic. I thought… what a great sport! I can do this. As an older rider, I don’t want to event and loved that it combined dressage and obstacles. And there it began. OSE hosts working equitation schooling shows, licensed shows, clinics and learning opportunities for all. We even host a few dressage and western dressage shows.
Oak Spring Equestrian sits in a quiet part of western Howard County where our grandkids are 5th generation. We are a working farm with crops, hay and a small beef cattle operation. It is home to 2 Connemara ponies, 3 mini horses and a miniature donkey, Eli. Eli always welcomes visitors to the farm with his bray.
Our facility has a 100 x 200 outdoor arena, an 80 x 140 indoor arena, plenty of parking for all sizes of trailers with easy in & out. Parking is on a stone lot or grass. Six 12×12 portable corrals are always set up for use during clinics and shows. Our 60 x 80 heated and air-conditioned building complete with tables, chairs, microwave, refrigerator, coffee machine and lounge area serves as a show office, lunchroom, meeting area and just a place if someone needs to get out of the heat or cold. We have a full set of working equitation obstacles, and a small or large dressage ring that can be set up.
What we lack in at our facility (permanent stabling) we make up for in our set up, our laid back and the warm & welcoming atmosphere and the million dollar views. Come for a moment and be a friend for life!
Barb Sullivan
Oak Spring Equestrian, LLC
15195 Bushy Park Rd.
Woodbine MD 21797